导出 Enovy 的 CPU 和 内存 profile
On Istio 1.5 and older:
export POD=pod-name
export NS=istio-system
kubectl exec -n "$NS" "$POD" -c istio-proxy -- sh -c 'sudo mkdir -p /var/log/envoy && sudo chmod 777 /var/log/envoy && curl -X POST -s "http://localhost:15000/heapprofiler?enable=y"'
sleep 15
kubectl exec -n "$NS" "$POD" -c istio-proxy -- sh -c 'curl -X POST -s "http://localhost:15000/heapprofiler?enable=n"'
rm -rf /tmp/envoy
kubectl cp -n "$NS" "$POD":/var/log/envoy/ /tmp/envoy -c istio-proxy
kubectl cp -n "$NS" "$POD":/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /tmp/envoy/lib -c istio-proxy
kubectl cp -n "$NS" "$POD":/usr/local/bin/envoy /tmp/envoy/lib/envoy -c istio-proxy
On Istio 1.6+
export POD=pod-name
export NS=istio-system
export PROFILER="heap" # Can also be "cpu", for a cpu profile
kubectl exec -n "$NS" "$POD" -c istio-proxy -- curl -X POST -s "http://localhost:15000/${PROFILER}profiler?enable=y"
sleep 15
kubectl exec -n "$NS" "$POD" -c istio-proxy -- curl -X POST -s "http://localhost:15000/${PROFILER}profiler?enable=n"
rm -rf /tmp/envoy
kubectl cp -n "$NS" "$POD":/var/lib/istio/data /tmp/envoy -c istio-proxy
kubectl cp -n "$NS" "$POD":/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /tmp/envoy/lib -c istio-proxy
kubectl cp -n "$NS" "$POD":/usr/local/bin/envoy /tmp/envoy/lib/envoy -c istio-proxy
备注:有时候 docker cp envoy 会出错,可以采用 cat 命令
kubectl -n "$NS" exec "$POD" -c istio-proxy -- cat /usr/local/bin/envoy > /tmp/envoy/lib/envoy
Visualize profile pprof installation
Install pprof, then run:
PPROF_BINARY_PATH=/tmp/envoy/lib/ pprof -pdf /tmp/envoy/lib/envoy /tmp/envoy/envoy.prof.0001.heap
Or, interactively
PPROF_BINARY_PATH=/tmp/envoy/lib/ pprof /tmp/envoy/lib/envoy /tmp/envoy/envoy.prof.0001.heap
Or, through the web UI
PPROF_BINARY_PATH=/tmp/envoy/lib/ pprof -http=localhost:8000 /tmp/envoy/lib/envoy /tmp/envoy/envoy.prof.0001.heap
采用 Envoy admin 查看内存使用情况
kubectl exec -n "$NS" "$POD" -c istio-proxy -- curl "http://localhost:15000/memory"
"allocated": "221674328",
"heap_size": "361693184",
"pageheap_unmapped": "86106112",
"pageheap_free": "21831680",
"total_thread_cache": "9805104",
"total_physical_bytes": "278470656"